Distractions all around!!!

The Lesson
Memory Verse: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Luke 12:34

In a time where the average human has the attention span of a squirrel on “5 hour energy,” it’s pretty easy to get distracted in the simplest of situations. Everyone thinks they can multitask, but it’s ridiculously easy for that distraction to just whisper in your ear and take your mind off of whatever else. Heyyyy, pal! How ya doing? Hey, wanna see me do my signature distraction jig? Hey! Don’t look over there! Look at mah face! I’m a distraction!

Look at all of those hands raised!
Look at all of those hands raised!

If I had a quarter for every time someone answered their cell phone, or just completely stopped listening to me in the middle of a conversation, I could probably treat a small group to the dollar menu at a fast food restaurant.

One of the trends lately at church services is to use that nice and neat little Bible app to follow the sermon. However, the moment you pull out that convenient little piece of technology is the moment you get a text message, a Facebook notification AND a reminder to play that game that you haven’t played in 3 whole hours. Try as you might to just go straight to the Bible app, it is not easy! One thing leads to another and BOOM! Church services is over and you have no idea what that sermon was about.

We went over Luke 12:22-34 to help us better discuss this.


Ever heard of the card game Distraction? It’s a pretty awesome game where kids have to maintain focus on numbers all while completing crazy distracting tasks. I wasn’t able to find the game in stores nearby but we got the next best thing. Distraction UNO.

The kids were all given 8 cards each. They took turns putting cards down, calling out the numbers in order that they put the cards down. They had to remember the card numbers in order. For example, if someone put a “1” down, they’d have to repeat “one.” If the next person put a “5” down, they’d have to repeat “one, five.” It went on like this until a kid put down a card that was not a number card (like a skip, a reverse, or a wild). Then, they’d have to pull from a list of distractions to do such as: “Do your touchdown dance,” “Laugh without smiling,” “Say ‘I would like a cup of tea’ with a British accent.” After they completed the distraction, they had to continue the string of numbers without distraction.

The Outcome

The kids really enjoyed the night and they had a blast acting silly with each other. Definitely a great icebreaker! 😀

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